Friday, July 30, 2010

The Circuit

The year was advancing, as they do, and the summer of 1988 had been a sizzler.

The season tickets for Canada's Wonderland had been used frequently, in fact earlier in the year (May 1988) we witnessed them pulling a young man out of the main pool, under the Victoria Falls. It was a tragic drowning and we had no idea of the circumstances, although it was clear that there were a lot of warning signs around the falls, strangely enough, in a detached sort of way it made the day more interesting.

The late summer visitation of Graham and Lynn from the UK had been a lot of fun, once again we visited the theme park, in fact, after eight months in Canada we became tourists all over again as we "did the circuit" of Toronto, Ontario Place, Niagara and all the other little corners of our new land. The highlight being a helicopter ride above Niagara Falls, obligatory Maid of the Mist voyage and fun at the Skylon tower.

I now need to dig out some photo's of that visit, will be back shortly...