When I was a baby the first thing I think I remember was a window, Looking out of my pram and seeing a sash window. as I said, at least that's what I think I remember as it is my lifetime ago and the mind is a minefield with marshy patches – I often wonder if that type of image will be the last thing I ever see in some bright hospital room or nursing home somewhere!
Full circle.
I picked up some prints that I had developed from negatives discovered in a box in mum and dads garage in North Wales, one of them, previously unseen, shows a one year old me, with my grandad, in front of that very window.

I look at this picture of me when I was a baby, half a century ago and I am now as old as Jack Edwards who is holding me there,
I am now almost a 52 year old man and I realise that we are the same yet not the same. I have my grandads DNA, some of his passed on memories and experiences, and a duty to record them somewhere. As for the baby, well, my bones have grown and the skin has a lot more weathering now, lines drawn on the canvas of life and great memories of what a special life it has been.
I've focused up to now on a single year of my life, but I think there is a lot more to tell, along the way, the puzzle pieces will grow and perhaps reflect the story as seen from this side of the eyeballs.
Postnote : The Fool on the Hill blog has been transferred to a sustainable one, see link on right.
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