Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The pub of choice for those midweek outings had NTN trivia, a radical new way of wasting time (and encouraging extra beer to be drunk) and it provided an excellent break from the real world.

The pub up on Taunton Road, was called Mickeys (eventually turned into the Waltzing Weasel) and provided great food, atmosphere, BEER and of course, NTN.

I adopted my online nickname of DRYICE and for some reason, Karen's monica became PICKLE.

It was the start of a decade or more of occasional play on the trivia network with various bars in the Oshawa region, Mickeys would become the Waltzing Weasel (and lose the NTN franchise) and eventually, years later, we would find ourselves at a great bar, Jack's Filling Station, on Simcoe Street, home of four dollar pints, free peanuts (throw shells on floor) and of course, NTN and a good crowd of working people out for a good time.

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