Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Party's Over

The letters went out in the middle of December 1990 to quite a few of the jobshoppers at Menasco.

The 19th December rings a bell, although that may have been the date of the Menasco Christmas Party.

For some reason I thought I was safe and would escape, but that was not to be, my letter arrived from Mister Bruce Yamashita, it basically said "so long and thanks for all the fish" and made a point of apologizing for this, what will probably be, temporary break in my valuable employment with the company. After all, there was hope that the 777 wingfold project may be resurrected early in the new year (it never was) and that my services would be much needed with the vast amount of work that was incoming.

It wasn't.

In ten years the horrible feeling had not changed, I remember it well from the end of my eighteen month Gullick Dobson tenure and, shortly after that, my six month stint at Alcan. Yet those were redundancy notices and this felt more like being sacked or the lighter term "let go" which did not make things feel better.

There would be no turkey for Tiny Tim this Christmas.

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