Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Friends

It seemed to me that, although Canada was a vast unexplored place and excitement was just around the corner, the work environment was the "same old, same old" and in some ways, because everyone appeared to take themselves so darn seriously, I had lost something in the wash.

It had only been five months or so since we had been stuck in immigration, waiting on a sausage sandwich, and from those initial weeks of the language barrier and the inability to order even a pair of toasted bacon sandwiches, we had settled down into our new life, and, it was very similar to the old one, but without friends.

This was nothing new for me, I had lost all my school friends when I was ten years old and the family moved from Liverpool to Whiston, I had discarded my Whiston friends when I was sixteen and went off on an adventure to Essex and found new friends, then two or three years later, discarded the new bunch and found some more.

A process I would keep repeating.

The new friends here in Canada would take some work, I knew, to bring them to my way of thinking, the process of making work fun had to begin...

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