Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Phone Call number four.

The first phone call from Larry was to establish if I was willing to return to the Menasco Stress Office, the second from him was a question if I would work offsite for them, and then the third was a request for my resume.

I thought at first it was an odd request, as Larry already knew everything about me, but he explained that he needed it to attach to the purchase order.

I was an official purchase order and that made it all seem real all of a sudden.

Ken Marlton had left on Friday the 13th and we'd all been down to Wongs buffet for lunch, I had a quiet word with Ken as we said goodbye, he was the only one in the office that knew what was happening with me, we both had a quiet chuckle about it.

The fourth phone call was early on Friday the 20th May, and Larry told me that everything was approved and I should give my notice in.

I said I'd give my notice in the following Friday and I immediately sensed that the big grinning Lancashire cat at the other end of the phone changed his demeanour.

"You'll bloody give it in now!"

In that moment, Larry had become my new boss and when he said paint it pink, by golly, I'd be painting whatever it was he wanted a bright shade of pink.

The decision was made and all I had to do was create my polite resignation letter...

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