Sunday, October 18, 2009

Over There

The first three months of our Canadian experience, regardless of the winter weather, felt like a vacation and was a bit of an extended honeymoon, and of course, spring and summer were just around the corner.

It was fortunate that Karen had found work so quickly and we certainly had little to worry about regarding money with two incomes flowing in, but as I say, water always takes the shape of the bucket and we were having no trouble spending it.

Dowty had quite a high proportion of British people and depending on which side of the morning you talked to them, Canada was the best place or things "over there" were far better, or worse, or better. The bias was often towards the grass is greener concept, that Britain was better because of this or that, and in some aspects I had to agree.

The pair of us made a pact that, when the honeymoon was over and real life set in, that we would give it a chance, I think we said that we should give it at least two, maybe three years to see if we had made the right decision.

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