Tuesday, October 6, 2009


October, 6th, 1987

I really don't want to give the ex-wife any airtime, therefore, I will get this one over in one post as it still makes me shudder to think of what she attempted.

I met her in Skelmersdale Concourse, it felt strange after all the years to sit and have a civilised cup of tea with her, that's how I saw it, civilised. I explained the situation and gave her the form, which she took and asked for my phone number and address so that she could send it back.

It was a few days later that she phoned, her exact words were that "there was some good news and some bad news". The good news being that she would sign the forms, the bad news was that she wanted a lump sum of two thousand pounds to sign them.

I put the phone down and my only thought was that we were sunk, this was the event that would kill Canada, to put it into perspective that amount was more than a quarter of my yearly take home pay and I freely admit I was pathetic with money, living on a constant overdraft.

The next day though threw a different light on it all and I called my solicitor from work and she gave me some very good advice, call the bluff and make everything legal, she would draw up a binding document to jointly agree an arrangement to pay a monthly amount to support the kids.

Cooler heads prevailed and the amended form was signed.

There, I made it through that without any expletives.

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