A quick summary of quotes from the diary for September 1975 :
"Bought new TD instruments"
I was still calling it TD or Technical Drawing at that point, the set was from a company called British Thornton, nice black clamshell case, again, lost in time.
"Pinched Carb also got Manifold"
The stupidity of youth, pinched a couple of items from the cupboards at the Ford apprentice training centre. Twin Weber carb on some manifold.
"Court, case dismissed 'phew' Gasspp, so fingers crossed for the future"
Long story, but I was up in court for being accused of trying to pinch a car, which I wasn't, I was trying to find somewhere to sleep one night on the way home from a nightclub, or thats the way I remember it. The court case was over my head like a damoclean sword all year.
Fingers crossed was a common phrase for me back then.
"Had argument with Jan, we're not talking, thought I'd got rid of her, no such luck - she says she'll change"
A pivotal point, my girlfriend was playing the field at the time and I was stupid enough to let her back, time was to show that she never stopped, even after we married.
"We've got rid of Ian at last"
Couldn't get rid of the girlfriend, but could get rid of a third guy who was living in digs with us, back to just me and Mark Gaskill.
"Usual rubbish at work, it's so boring, I keep dropping off..."
Wow, if only I could have seen the signs and saved myself thirty odd years of the same......