Thursday, September 24, 2009


It causes an interesting effect to look back in time and sift through the events of a year like 1985, I'll drag myself to present day for a moment and take a pause on those few months that had such a profound effect on my life.

This may be a bit of a spoiler if anyone is reading this (backwards) as a reality blog, but it's all happened and, as my mother would have said, it is all water under the bridge. I know that some people would rather leave the past where it is, however, I have always valued my past as it represents the building blocks of who I am today, and I realise, now in my 52nd year, that I won't always be around to tell my story, so here it is.

In all the time I have communicated with my son, Mick, over the last ten years or so, we have come to a mutual respect position, and one of the things he has taught me, is that regret is meaningless.

There will be one moment in 1986 when things change and I became so much closer to who I am today, so I will continue and tell the story between May 1985 and that point and try and tell it as honestly as I can.

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