Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Took a boat Sunday

I filled in my application for a job at McDonnell Douglas, in fact, we both did and it was Friday the 18th of October when Willie Boehringer called me, and Ray, into Cecil Cooks office.

I wrote in my diary that it was possibly one of the most important days of my life, yet I felt jaded and suspected that this would turn out to be another Menasco. It was, however, a twig to clutch onto as our California experience ended.

The goodbyes this time felt final, the Cleveland Pneumatic group long gone, representatives from British Aerospace, gone, and the great group of McDonnell Douglas people, all about to slip out of our lives forever.

I clutched onto Nancy at the airport, not wanting the moment to end, a deep sorrow that I had not felt before, the entire American experience ending with the one person that represented the bright light in my life.

And then, it was gone.

So down here on the ocean we will stay
We will stay. We will stay.
Went through a lot of changes
Turned a lot of pages
When I took a boat on Sunday

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