Monday, September 21, 2009


I believe that our technical and upper management hoped for a short stay, but McDonnell Douglas insisted that an APPH support team was there for the duration, at least until after the PDR which was the much feared "Preliminary Design Review" of the T45TS Main Landing Gear program.

The big wigs, Ken Hayter and Bill Brewer, had probably been told this when they arrived on the 25th of February and avoided their own design team, we heard that they were on site, but we did not see them.

I phoned my girlfriend Karen and she really seemed to be down, those initial two weeks had now stretched to a month and in the next few days would be extended to two, and then only for a brief reprieve in the UK.

In fact, unknown to the pair of us, Ray and myself would be in California until well into October.

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