Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Freeway Ford, Part One

The most important thing in the month before we arrived was to settle things with Ford Credit, the loan for the XR2 was "bought out" as they say and I ended up walking away from the car with enough cash for a few nights out.

I found out where the nearest Ford dealership was and we drove our trusty Oldsmobile out to Scarborough, about twenty minutes on Highway 401.

The sales guy was of British descent, either he was or he did a good impersonation of one, he sat us down and asked us what we wanted, all friendly like. The interview went well and he asked us to follow him out to the lot where he showed me what I could afford for the $250 a month I had outlined.

It was a five year old Mustang, orange I recall, sitting with an enormous crack in the windscreen, which he told us not to worry about as they would replace it, the car was unimpressive to say the least, dusty and dirty, and I dragged behind him as we went back into the showroom.

The salesman pulled up a screen and typed in some numbers, swivelled the screen to me and said that, if I put $500 down I could have that beauty for $279 a month.

I assumed that my face said it all, because my new found friend nodded in an understanding fashion, his eyes went upwards and he appeared to be thinking hard about something, and then he smiled and told us to follow him.

As we walked out of the showroom, he asked if I liked the colour blue, and I said it depends, he opened a glass case on the wall and retrieved a set of keys. We followed him to the new car area of the Ford lot and stopped at an amazing looking, brand new, dark blue, Mustang LX.

"Want to take it for a spin?", he asked knowingly...

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