Monday, October 5, 2009


September, 29th, 1987

The pair of us had the day off and took the train down to London, the consulate was quite the imposing building and the proceedings quite formal. I showed my letter and the lady parked us in the reception area, there were other more crowded areas with people lining up for things and taking numbers, but we were shuffled upstairs to some smaller offices.

I was invited into the office on my own, the man sitting behind the desk appeared to be sitting higher than me and he opened the file, he was quick to his point, and this was it.

"Is your fiance here?, You have indicated that you wish to take your fiance with you to Canada"

I squeaked yes, and he looked at me with an expressionless face and shook his head.

"That's not going to happen, we can only process landed immigrant status in these cases for a spouse, is that going to be possible?"

I squeaked yes again.

He swivelled in his chair to his left and opened a filing cabinet, extracting a form he said:

"Will you ask her to fill this in, then to save time I will see you again shortly"

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