Monday, October 12, 2009


January, 5th, 1988

The Dowty chief of stress, Barry Levoir was waiting to take us out to Ajax, well, Whitby actually which was where the Canadiana Motel was. It had been a bit confusing at the airport and we had difficulty finding him, well, we didn't know what each other looked like did we?

In the weeks before the flight I had taken Karen to British Home Stores (BHS) and bought her the best woolen winter coat we could find and I also had what I considered to be good winter clothes on.

However, as we walked to his car in the open car park, the temperature was somewhere in the minus twenties with a nice whistling wind between our thighs, it felt like we were wearing swimsuits.

It was so cold I was giggling.

I can still remember the drive to Whitby, tired from the flight yet wide eyed as we drove in the dark, the brightly lit city of Toronto to our right, the eight lane highway ahead.

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