Tuesday, October 20, 2009


June, 1988

It may seem astounding, but at the age of thirty I had my first serious savings account, it wasn't a fortune, but it was by design and not by accident.

It was not all my doing either as Karen had always been somewhat of a saver and her influence, along with the diminished social safety net of Canada, encouraged me to start being more responsible with money.

The UK commitments, Natwest bank, Barclaycard and Lancashire County Council were being dealt with along with a monthly check to the first wife, the rent was high, but it included utilities (Electric and Water) and of course the self inflicted wounds of car and stereo payment.

However, through all that, a trickle of savings emerged, just a few hundred dollars, but nevertheless spare money along with a plan to have a thousand dollars saved by the beginning of August.

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