Saturday, October 17, 2009


The next step in our master plan to build up our credit rating was the purchase of a stereo system, it was a shame that we had to sell the Pioneer system in the UK, but research had shown that even with a power converter, turntables would not run at the correct speed in Canada.

The mecca for this sort of stuff was Kennedy Road in Scarborough, quite near to the Ford dealership where I had secured my impressive deal on the Mustang.

This is one of those examples of planning, but perhaps in the wrong way, nevertheless we wanted to establish credit in our new country, so we bought a Pioneer stereo at a place called Majestic on Kennedy Road.

Majestic, which no longer exists, was one of the first "electronics superstores" that I had ever been in, of course they became very common, but at the time, in early 1988, Majestic was enormous.

The credit arrangement, for a short 9 month term, was with a company called Trans Canada Credit, in retrospect, not really necessary, but probably did not do us any harm either.

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