Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It was January 25th, 1984 when we found out that Ian Tasker was going to join the Stress group as a stress engineer, I wrote this in my diary and did not seem too impressed with the decision.

Ken Hayter was picking on TASS members and we had a meeting to discuss what we called victimisation, it was supposed to be a time when we were being upgraded, however, probably due to the Christmas pub event, and that little matter of the strike, our management had somewhat of a vendatta against us.

In spite of this, a week or so later I was upgraded to the next pay level, there were also mutterings that I was going to be sent to Leamington Spa for six weeks on the Patran course, a carrot that was being dangled because my so called "upgrade" of around one percent was anything but.

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