Saturday, September 19, 2009

Two Weeks

I am sure it was said that we would only be in California for two weeks, yet the timeframe expanded exponentially.

The amount of experiences logged into my diary make me feel dizzy now just to review them, I think that as a "small town" Liverpool boy the journey to the vastness of the United States and California and the unlimited adventures we indulged in, had a mind altering effect.

I was still the same person as a month before, however, the unfettered California lifestyle, punctuated with a higher level engineering experience and what appeared to be a fully open expenses checkbook, affected me so much that, in the short term, my personality changed drastically.

I would also say that it started to change me, in a deeper way, and the lessons in work, relationships and life, that would be taught to me over the next months, would shape my adult life forever.

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